Ham and Cheese Fritatta

Eggs are amazing. You can eat them as a main dish cooked any number of ways, they add the richness you need to sauces and mayonnaise and they make baked goods, well, GOOD!

I decided last night I wanted a frittata for supper. It’s a bit like an omelet but I like the slightly crispy crust that forms on the frittata in the oven. This little jewel is perfection in its simplicity and versatility.

The best thing about this little dish is you can usually make it from ingredients you have to hand. The only required ingredients are eggs and cheese. Other than that, let your creativity go! You can use spinach, veggies, herbs – some people add potatoes to make the dish more hearty. This can be a spur of the moment supper or a Sunday brunch dish since you make it with what you have.

I searched my fridge and found a number of delicious ingredients. I had some ham left over from Sunday dinner and I knew that was going to headline this dish. So I pulled it all out and started putting it together.

Just a word about beating your eggs – if you want your frittata to be fluffy, beat, beat, beat those eggs to incorporate lots of air into your dish. I like my eggs to have a little body to them so I don’t go nuts with the whisk. Just go with what you like.

I made a little video showing how the frittata goes together. Enjoy the music!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXXkQtGM6CI] [recipe title=”Ham and Cheese Frittata” servings=”6″ time=”30 minutes” difficulty=”easy”]


  • 2 T. olive oil
  • 1⁄2 cup green bell pepper, cut in 1/2″ strips
  • 1⁄2 cup roughly chopped mushrooms
  • 1⁄2 cup sweet onions, cut in 1” strips
  • 8 oz. ham, bacon or sausage, cooked
  • 1 dzn. grape tomatoes, cut in half lengthwise
  • 5 eggs
  • 3⁄4 cup shredded cheese
  • 1⁄2 tsp. each salt and pepper
  • 1 T. minced garlic

Preheat oven to 325°. In a non-stick, oven-safe skillet, saute bell pepper, mushrooms, and
onions for five minutes on medium heat. Add meat and tomatoes and allow to heat through. Whisk eggs in a medium bowl until frothy, add cheese and carefully pour over ingredients in skillet. Cook for 1 minute. Place skillet in preheated oven and bake for 14-16 minutes until lightly browned. Allow to set up for 5 minutes, then slide onto a warmed plate. Slice and serve. If you like spicy, this is great garnished with a little sriracha chili sauce.

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